Ag Ibragimov

Senior Software Developer


Full-stack Developer and Generalist, proficient in a wide range of programming languages, with a proven track record in building solutions - web and mobile apps, cloud services for various industries ranging from Cybersecurity and Fintech to Bioinformatics and Entertainment. Adept at working in diverse teams both on-site and remotely, with a history of taking on leadership roles. Passionate about productivity enhancement and automation.


Clojure, Clojurescript, Javascript, Typescript, Python, Java, C#, F#, Lua, Fennel, Common Lisp, SQL, some Go and Ruby.

HTML5, CSS, including preprocessors such as SASS, LESS and Stylus; frameworks, like Tailwind, MUI and Bootstrap; transitions and animations.

Node.js., Karma and Puppeteer. GitHub Actions.

React.js, Angular.js, Next.js, D3, C3.

PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Couchbase, DynamoDB, CockroachDB, XTDB.

AWS. Kafka, RabbitMQ, SQS. Docker.

Professional experience

Personal projects


updated:Apr 2024